The Colomine small-scale gold mining project in the Eastern region led by CODIAS S.A., holder of the small-scale mining licence No. 394 issued by Order No. AR000317/A/MINMIDT/SG/DM/SDCM of 14 September 2022. The project which started up at the end of 2022 and was restructured in 2023, has estimated reserves of 1,867.42 kilograms of gold and an annual production of around 500 kilograms of gold. The said project, creating more than 500 direct jobs and 1,500 indirect jobs, will enable the country to increase its reserves of gold through the collection of synthetic tax, and to improve the sustainability of Cameroon’s public finances. It also highlights the new “Carbon in Leach” closed system for gold mining, which will significantly improve production yields and reduce the impact of mining on the environment.